SOLARNET WP 50.2 'Solar Virtual Observatory' meeting

SOLARNET Virtual Observatory

*9-10 September 2015, Nadir room, Royal Observatory of Belgium, 3 Avenue Circulaire, Brussels* ## Program ### Wednesday 9 September 2015 - **9:15** Welcome - **9:30** [Concepts and implementation of the first draft of the SVO prototype](./uploads/MeetingSOLARNET20150909/Concepts_and_implementation_SVO_prototype_BM_20150909.pdf), *Benjamin Mampaey* (ROB) - **10:30** Coffee break - **10:45** Discussion: Which functionalities and features should be added to the SOLARNET SVO prototype? - **12:30-13:30** Lunch - **13:30** Discussion on functionalities and features - **15:00** Coffee break - **15:15-17h** talk/discussion ### Thursday 10 September 2015 - **9:15** *Bob Bentley* (MSSL) - **10:00** *Alessandro Marassi* - **10:30** Coffee break - **10:45** Discussion and wrap up - **12:30** end of meeting