Data Provider Manual

SOLARNET Virtual Observatory

## Introduction The SVO service is a catalog of data and metadata of solar observations grouped into datasets. The grouping is decided by the data providers, but all metadata records in a dataset must have the same fields (or keywords). The SVO allows dataset providers to create/update/delete metadata and data location information in the catalog. And also to decide and modify the information about the dataset and the keywords. Below is the documentation for the data providers. We assume that you are familiar with the basics of the HTTP protocol and we encourage you to also read the [SVO RESTful API user manual](./svo_restful_api_user_manual.html). ## Becoming a data provider If you want to become a data provider, please contact the SVO administrator who will guide you and help you. You will be asked the following information: - the name of the instrument of observation, and a simple description (unless it is already defined in the catalog) - the name of the telescope or satellite on which is mounted the instrument, and a simple description (unless it is already defined in the catalog) - the name of the dataset, and a description in [Markdown]( that can contain links, emphasis, etc. In the dataset description, one can explain for example the format of the data, the processing applied, or how to work with the data; whereas the instrument description is more about the physical description of the instrument. It also means that it is possible to have several datasets, e.g with different processing levels, linked to a single instrument. - the list of characteristics of the dataset: for example "full sun", "space based", etc. - the list of keywords that will appear in the database: name, type, description, unit If the data are FITS files, the [provider tool]( script `extract_keywords_from_fits` can be used to inspect them and generate a list in JSON format that can be easily modified and sent to the SVO administrator. If you want to make the data accessible via the SVO, the data needs to be accessible via HTTP(S). Eventually, if you need to have control on who can access the data, we recommend using the [Basic authentication scheme]( It is very simple to set-up for most web servers, and allow to protect files with a username and password that you can then distribute to whom you want to give access. Contact the SVO administrator for more information. The last step will be to contribute metadata to your dataset. The possible ways of doing so are explained below. It is also possible for the SVO to fetch the metadata from FITS files if they have been made available through HTTP(S). ## User Data providers must have a special user in the SVO service. For this, the data provider will be registered by the SVO administrator using an email and a password, and will receive in return a username (normally the same as the email) and an API key. If they have created a simple user through the Restful API previously, the user can be re-used, but some parameters must be adapted by the SVO administrator. ## OID Each metadata resource instance is identified uniquely by an OID (Observation ID), i.e. 2 instances of the same metadata resource can never have the same OID. The OID attributed at creation may never change, but all other fields can be updated. An OID is a string that should preferably contain the date of observation in the format YYYYMMDD_hhmmss. The milliseconds can be added if the second precision is not enough, or eventually the wavelength. ## Administration Interface Data providers can make use of the administration interface available at to manage their data. For example it is possible for a data provider to modify the URL or the description of their dataset via this interface. Some information cannot be changed because the change would require some actions by the SVO administrator. For example changing the name of a keyword require to modify the corresponding database table for the metadata records. Although it is also possible to manage the data location, metadata and associated tags via the administration interface, it is probably more convenient to use the RESTful API. The use of the administration interface is deemed intuitive enough, and won't be explained. In case of doubt, please contact the SVO administrator ## RESTful API for the data providers Below we use the terms "resource" to denote the whole list of objects in a single DB table, and the term "resource instance" (or instance for short) to denote a single object. For example, the list of *dataset* is a resource, and the *SWAP level 1* dataset is a resource instance of the *dataset* resource. Data providers can retrieve all resources through the [RESTful API](./svo_restful_api_user_manual.html) like any other user. They can also create, modify or delete resource instances for the *data_location* resource, the metadata resources for which they are responsible, and the *tag* resource. The URI for the resources are listed at (under list_endpoint), and the schema (or resource fields) are available there also. The URI for a data_location instance, is the data_location resource URI followed by the id of the instance (an integer). For example /service/api/svo/data_location/2818931/ The URI for a metadata instance, is the metadata resource URI followed by the oid of the instance (a string). For example /service/api/svo/metadata_swap_level_1/20091120082529/ The URI for a tag instance, is the tag resource URI followed by the name of the instance (a string). For example /service/api/svo/tag/moon transit/ Some python3 scripts have been developed to carry the operations described below, and are available on Github in the [SOLARNET-provider-tools]( repository. Data providers are welcomed to use them, modify them and eventually submit their own version to the repository. ### Authentication To modify the catalog, that is to create, modify or delete resource instances, the data provider must use the API authentication scheme. The username ( usually the email ) and API key must be specified in all the HTTP requests as an *Authorization* header like so: ApiKey *username*:*api_key* ### Creating a new data_location resource instance Data provider can only create new data_location instances for a dataset for which they are responsible. For this, make a POST HTTP request, with a valid *Authorization* header, to the [data_location]( resource URI, and the following data: - dataset : The URI of the dataset instance - file_url : A valid URL to the data file - file_size : An integer representing the size of file in bytes - file_path : The file name, eventually preceded by a relative folder structure (use / as the path separator and avoid the characters \:*?"\'<>|\r\n\0') - thumbnail_url : Optional, a valid URL to a thumbnail image of the data (preferably JPEG or PNG) for quick preview - offline : Optional, the value "true" or "false" indicating if the file is NOT available for download. If not specified, the default value will be "false". The resource instance of the newly created data_location resource instance will be returned as a response, along with the URI of the instance. ### Creating a new metadata resource Data provider can only create new metadata instances for a dataset for which they are responsible. For this, make a POST HTTP request, with a valid *Authorization* header, to the metadata resource URI, and the following data: - oid : a unique string that identify uniquely the metadata resource instance, see [above](#oid) - date_beg : The date of the start of the observation in UTC using the ISO 8601 format - date_end : The date of the end of the observation in UTC using the ISO 8601 format - wavemin: Optional, the minimum wavelength observed in nanometers - wavemax: Optional, the maximum wavelength observed in nanometers - data_location : The URI (not the URL) of the data_location resource instance - fits_header : Optional, the entirety of the FITS header as a single string - tags : Optional, a list of tag URI - a value for each metadata field, they are all optional, and if not provided will be set to null. The resource instance of the newly created metadata resource instance will be returned as a response, along with the URI of the instance. Note that for the data_location, instead of providing a resource URI, it is possible and preferable to provide a full resource instance, and in that case a new data_location resource instance will be created. ### Updating an existing data_location resource instance Data provider can only update a data_location instance for a dataset for which they are responsible. For this, make a PATCH HTTP request, with a valid *Authorization* header, to the resource instance URI, and the data for any of the field that you wish to update. ### Updating an existing metadata resource instance Data provider can only update a metadata instance for a dataset for which they are responsible. For this, make a PATCH HTTP request, with a valid *Authorization* header, to the resource instance URI, and the data for any of the field that you wish to update. ### Deleting an existing data_location resource instance Data provider can only deleta a data_location instance for a dataset for which they are responsible. For this, make a DELETE HTTP request, with a valid *Authorization* header, to the resource instance URI. ### Deleting an existing metadata resource instance Data provider can only update a metadata instance for a dataset for which they are responsible. For this, make a DELETE HTTP request, with a valid *Authorization* header, to the resource instance URI. ## Tagging Metadata records can be tagged with information pertaining to the observation. For example the tag "moon transit" denotes that the moon can be seen in the observation of the sun. Tag names should be very short and not dataset specific. For dataset specific tagging, use a metadata keyword instead. Tags can be created using the [administration interface](#administration-interface) or the [RESTful API](./svo_restful_api_user_manual.html). Once created, tags cannot be modified, nor deleted. In case of an error, please contact the SVO administrators To associate tags to metadata records, you can use the [administration interface](#administration-interface) or the [RESTful API](./svo_restful_api_user_manual.html). Using the administration interface can be difficult, and it is probably easier to use the RESTful API. Tags can be added directly at the [creation of the metadata record](#creating-a-new-metadata-resource) by specifying a list of tag URI in the data of the POST request. Tags can be modified after creation of the metadata record, by [updating the metadata resource instance](#updating-an-existing-metadata-resource-instance) and specifing a list of tag URI in the data of the PATCH request. Note that this operation **does not add the tags to the current list but completely replaces it**. This can be used to remove all tags by specifying an empty list.